Monday, October 28, 2019

Semana 65!!! Misioneras O Princesas

This week was a great one!!! 

So a couple of weeks ago we started teaching a kid whos mom is less active!!! Hes 8 and his name is ramon!! HE is soooo cute and eager to learn, he loves it when we come and share our messages because he feels happy!!! HE is such a sweet little dude and we can't wait for him to get baptized!!! 

We also had an amazing lesson with this lady we have been working with for awhile named maribel!!! she has 3 kids under 5 and is very intelligent and wants to find the truth. We kinda hit a wall and didn't know what to share with her one day and we prayed and felt like the restoration video would be good so we watched it with her and it was exactly what she needed!!! she looked at us when joseph said ï didn't understand why there were so many churches and how they interpreted the same scriptures in so many different ways"  and she said "I HAD THAT SAME QUESTION!!!"It was an amazing moment and the spirit was so strong. 

Then we told her about the ward trunk or treat we were having that night and her, her husband and ALL the kiddos showed up all dressed up!!! It was awesome!!!! she was able to meet alot of members and now says that she feels more comfortable coming to church because she knows people!!!

We also had a cool first lesson with this family where we introduced the book of mormon and they were SO happy they couldn't stop beaming!!! they were so excited to read and pray to find out if it is true or not!!! ill keep you updated!!! 

Welp that's it! thanks for everything!! hope you can tell what princesses we were for the trunk or treat!!!
Halloween party

Can you tell we are Princesses

Hermana Schaerer

Hermana Davis' birthday 

4 Hermana's


Monday, October 21, 2019

Semana 64!!! Hermana Boston's Birthday

his week was a GREAT week!!! we did 2 exchanges with the Hermanas in our zone!!!!

So on Tuesday we went to the university here in ponce with all the missionaries in our zone and did the book of mormon experiment!!! we didn't have out tags on and we asked people to help us with a survey and see what they thought about different verses from the book of mormon! It was weird because we were in normal clothes but it was super awesome and we got to talk to some cool teenagers who were interested in our message!!!! 

And on wednesday we taught jose lesson one again to recap and it was so sweet! He was so happy and just kept saying how he has never been a man of God but how our message has changed him and he loves "his church!":). He's going to the DR this week and we are hoping that when he gets back he can get baptised quick!!
Then that night we had Book of Mormon class and it was a new members (pablo) birthday so we threw him a little surprise party!!! 

Then on Saturday we went on exchanges and i stayed in our area and guess who came with me!!!.... HERMANA SCHAERRER!! my baby!!! the one who i was in Aibonito with for 5 months! it was so weird and it felt like we were back in Aibonito again!!! We had some awesome lessons and had fun! 

Then on Sunday it was my comps birthday!! So me and some of the members threw her 2 surprise birthday parties!!! it was so fun and she seemed so happy!! I'm so glad I could help her feel loved!!! 

that was pretty much this whole week! sorry it was long!!! Love you all!!!

Birthday celebration

Surprise Hermana Boston

Party #2

We made Enchiladas

Monday, October 14, 2019

Semana 63!!!

WOW what a week!!!

On Wednesday we had Mission leadership conference and it was awesome! WE have a lot of new leaders in the mission so we went over the basics of how to be a leader and what to do and what not to do! We learned a lot and it was nice to be able to go over the basics!

Then on Thursday we were out contacting and talking to people and we were walking down the street and looked over and saw a lady crying in her garden... turns out she had fallen while gardening and it was very obvious that she broke her arm. Her neighbor ran inside and got a sheet and put a sling around her arm, we talked to her to try to get her mind off the pain and eventually the ambulance came and got her. We are going to go pass by again when she gets back home and try to teach her! 

Then on Friday (my moms birthday:)) We had some huge miracles!!  We went to Nancys and abdiels, a mom and son that we have been teaching and when we got there abdiels friend was over.  We decided to watch the first book of mormon video to help explain a little bit more of why we have the book! We did and it CLICKED FOR Nancy!! She was like "oh now it makes sense... God loves them so he commanded them to leave Jerusalem!!" and then Abdiels friend said "wow i really like that, ive always wondered what happened to the people on this side of the world!" He gladly took a book of mormon and we got another cita! 
Then we headed to another place where we had 3 citas! (appointments) and ALL 3 fell through... we sat down on a bench under a huge almond tree and started to eat a snack and call other people to see if we could pass by when all of a sudden a man walks up to us and says "Well im glad some people enjoy my porch as much as i do!!!" Turns out he had grown the almond tree and it was basically his porch now! He sat down and we got to talking, he is 27 and has an 7 year old son! We chatted for a bit and he showed us his albino porcupine  and then shared the book of Mormon with him and he loved it! He said this is exactly what him and his son need and that his heart felt happy after talking to us! then we walked an hour home and got french toast cheesecake and it was delicious!!!

On Saturday we met this cute lady who is raising her 3 year old grandson and she said we could come back on Sunday to share a message and she was cleaning her whole house with a hose (yes on the inside) (and yes that is normal in PR) So we helped her clean her house and then shared the restoration with her and she was so amazed and said that this is what she wants to raise her grandson in a church with good standards and the truth!!! it was another amazing miracle!!

Basically I love my life and missionary work is the best thing ever. I love talking to strangers and helping people come unto Christ!!

also I met some people from Germany and now i wanna learn french and german...!!! Hahah

We found a BEACH!

Frappes for LIFE!!!

Albino Porcupine

Hermana Boston

On our way to MLC

Night time fun :)

My little Puerto Rico Boyfriend

Monday, October 7, 2019

Semana 62!!!

Wow!!! This week was full of transfers and General Conference and it was amazing!!!
I am now companions with Hermana Boston she is from Washington and is SO cute!!! 

So we had a really cool miracle this week, we went out to go find a reference that some other hermanas had given us, but after we had been dropped off to our area to go and work for the day we realized that we had left our phone in the car!!! so we weren't able to call her to see if she was home, so we went to the place and couldn't find her apartment.  We decided to ask one of the workers and turns out he loves missionaries and read the whole Book of Mormon back in 1980!! He asked us if he could take us around to visit all the people in that apartment complex!! So of course we said yes and we spent the next hour and a half visiting random people with a random guy!! and EVERYONE wanted to listen to us because Homar (the guy we met) had worked there for years and they really trusted him!!!! We found some cool people to start teaching and were able to get some return appointments!!  

We were also able to attend all the sessions of General Conference and it was amazing!! It was a sweet memory to remember exactly a year ago when in General Conference President Nelson announced that they would be building a temple on this little island of PUERTO RICO!! 

I am so grateful to be in the church of Jesus Christ and to have living apostles and a living prophet who receives revelation for the church!!!! I love you all have a great week!!!!

general conference
me fitting into a carseat
us and Homar!

General Conference

Fitting in a car seat

Us and Homar