Monday, July 29, 2019

Semana 52!!!


Monday night we ended up in the hospital because Hermana Pineda (a Hermana we live with) went unconscious and fainted on the street!! but she is all good, they basically just said she needs to EAT hahaha
on Wednesday we had MLC with all the leaders here in Puerto Rico and it was awesome! Hermana Cantu and I wore matching dresses and the difference in our height and coloring made a huge contrast hahah! But we just talked a lot about how our message is about love and JOY so we need to have love and joy in the work!!! Its supposed to be fun!!
AND MAGDALENA GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!! She was so prepared when we showed up to her house Saturday morning before the baptism and she had her bag all packed with a extra towel and everything!!! she is so cute!
So we get to the baptism and the guy doing her baptism..... his name is 
Which is basically "John the Baptist" so that was amazing.
after the baptism we went to help Magdalena dry off and the first thing she says is 
"HE TRIED TO DROWN ME" hahahah he did hold her under for a good couple seconds... but she was so happy!!

Well that basically sums up a wee bit of our week!!! 

Hope you all have a great week!!!!

spent birthday at the hospital

Matching dresses




American Food

Hermana Gray and Hermana Cantu


Monday, July 22, 2019

Semana 51!!!

Okay first off I want to say Thank You SO much for all the birthday wishes you guys are the BEST!!! 

ponce ponce ponce, im am in PONCE hahah this whole week I have been saying "we are the missionaries here in aibonito...... PONCE!" hahaha so thats something I need to get used to! 

But this week we went on exchanges with the Hermanas in Guayanilla, I went with hermana Jones and it was really cool to be able to share some of the knowledge that I have learned over my mission!!! We had a really cool expirence where I saw this guy walking down the street.. and I RAN him down,... and told him we were missionaries and started to testify about how famlies can be forever and shard alma 40:11 and he started to cry and told us that he had just lost his wife a few months ago and that hes been really struggling and that we were 2 angles from god to help him know that shes okay.  It was the coolest expirence ever such a sweet moment that ill never forget. 

Magdalena came to church again this week (and brought her mom!) and so did Lucy and Jose!!! We have really been seeing some miracles!!  Magdalena is still working towards getting baptised this saturday and lucy on sunday and we are so excited for them!! 

Well thats about it!! Thanks for all the support!!

LOVE Herman Gray

also shout out to Kathy (the best mom in the world) for buying me a birthday present (old navy dresses) even though shes not here in PR with me!

Puerto Rico

On Splits

Birthday on the Mission

Birthday Present

Monday, July 15, 2019

Semana 50!!!

Wow I am HOT! 

PONCE... the hottest area on this tiny island.... and still not as hot as AZ....!!! 

This week was crazy, with transfers, saying goodbye to everyone and getting used to a new area! 

Leaving Aibonito was really sad but I was so excited to come here to Ponce!! My new companion is Hermana Cantu!! She is the coolest person ever and we have a lot of fun! We have been working HARD since the second I stepped foot into the area!! 
We went to go teach this lady named Magdalena and we taught her the plan of salvation! Shes a smoker and has been trying to quit and is getting closer!!! I extended a date to get baptized and she looks over at Hermana Cantu and pauses.... and says "pues, CLARO" which means OF COURSE!!! So that was a miracle!! She also came to church on sunday and it was so wonderful she was listening so contently and was SO eager to learn!!!

We also got to put Jose and Lucy on date to be baptized! (a couple other people we are teaching!!) 

We have seen so many miracles and changes are hard but SO GREAT!! 

I know this is where I need to be and that I will see many miracles as I work hard!!

Pics:  Saying goodbye in Aibonito

Monday, July 8, 2019

Semana 49!!!

WELL Thali got BAPTIZED and it was the sweetest baptism I have ever experienced, her face as she came out of the water was priceless.  She was beyond prepared and ready to make this covenant!! I have been so lucky to have had the opportunity to help Thali and her family, I love them so much and after the baptism of Thali her mom (who isn't a member) came up and gave me a hug and said "thank you for EVERYTHING".  That was a really spiritual moment and something I will never forget.  Then in church Thali got up and bore her testimony during fast and testimony and made everyone cry, seriously there wasn't a dry eye in the house.  Then I got up and bore my testimony and cried because I knew we were getting transfer news that night and I knew I'd be leaving. 

And last night we got the call from president and he told me that I would be going to Ponce with Hermana Cantu to be a STL! (sister training leader).

6 months in Aibonito was not enough! Im super sad to leave but I am so grateful for the time I had here and to see this little branch grow! Never had i felt so much love for such a small group of people. there are no words.  

I cant believe that I'll be leaving tomorrow but I know its where the Lord needs me to be!!! 

hope you all have a great week!!! love you!

here are a bunch of pictures of me and my families I have made here in Aibonito
Branch Presidents Family

Companions - Hermana Shaerrer

Love them

They are the Best!!



Aibonito Branch Pres and YW Pres


Pineapple drink

Monday, July 1, 2019

Semana 48!!!

Another week!! and let me tell you a GREAT week!!!

We were at Thalis house a lot this week re teaching her all the lessons and man she is so excited. Everyday she counts down önly 8 more days, only 7 more days!!" its the cutest thing! She's got her baptism all planned out and I have NEVER seen someone so ready to be baptized. She knows this is going to change her life and we sure do too.

We also threw Olmarilis a surprise birthday party after one of Thalis lessons!! Olma is the Young Womens President and she was SO surprised!!! 

The jovenes and us went to a school for a service project and we painted a library!! it was alot of work and was a huge library but it was super fun do have the youth from the church involved!! 

Also there is a HUGE festival going on here in Aibonito called the Festical of the Flowers!! So we have had so so so many people here in our little town and we aren't use to it!! Its really fun though!! Puerto Ricans ALWAYS want to know why the two little blonde girls are on the island! So usually, the vendors will call us over to their booths, we talk to them for a bit, and usually they give us something from their booth to eat! Its so fun and we have been able to meet SO many people!!!

Love you all and i hope you have a GREAT 4th of JULY!!!! 

Festival of flowers

Life of the party 

Tan line keep getting better

Olma Surprise 

Painting the library

Puerto Rico
Painting the library with the youth