Monday, August 26, 2019

Semana 56!!!

This week was a good one!!!
So we had exchanges this week from the hermanas from guayanilla and I went with Hermana Jones!
So a couple weeks ago our friend Jose found out he has cancer, pretty serious cancer, and he started to lose his faith and doubt, so we went to go over to his house to teach him the importance of the restoration and to talk about baptism! And when we showed up he was super happy and excited and we asked him what was up and he said that they weren't going to do surgery on him! And that instead they would be doing injections! so he started going off and sharing his testimony about how much his faith has increased and it was the cutest thing, he then told us that he had been reading the Book of Mormon and he remembered everything!!! It was so cool, we were able to share our message and set a date for him to be baptized!! The 14th of September!!! We are so excited for Jose and it has been such a cool experience to see his faith grow!!! 

Also this week has been so good living with Hermana Schaerrer!!! (my baby, the missionary I trained and was with for 5 months!!) its so cool to see how much she has learned and grown! its also kinda crazy living with 4 girls but I sure do love it!!!

Here is a pic of Hermana Cantu and I and our bread:) we have a member in our ward who sells bread for a living and whenever he has extra he'll drop off a couple loaves!!! :)

Also a hurricane is supposed to be hitting the south part of PR, which is where I am at:) so pray for me!!!!!!

Bread in Ponce

Hermana Gray and Cantu


Monday, August 19, 2019

Semana 55!!!

WOW another transfer DOWN!!!! Well Hermana Cantu and I will be staying here in Ponce for another 6 weeks!!! and HERMANA SCHAERRER MY BABY IS COMING HERE to be with Hermana Boston..... SO were gonna live together!!!! CRAZY!!!!!! 

I don't have alot of time becuase we literally have to leave in 3 minutes but!!!!!! 

1. WE were walking to an apt this week and this guy was on the side of the road by his car, and we started to talk to him and he legit asked us "why am i here?" "why are there so many churches?" and "how do i win salvation?" HERMANA CANTU and I looked at each other and were like.... WHAT we have every answer to all these questions!!!! So we taught him a little bit and are hoping to see him again this week!!!!! He's expecting a baby in december so we are hoping to help him come to the gospel!!!!!!!!

2. We had a mission conference on Thursday morning for an hour and President Smart helped us again to realize that we are here to BRING A JOYFUL message and we need to have joy in the work!!!!

3. I gave a 25 minute talk in sacrament meeting all in spanish about the Holy Ghost and didn't mess up hahahah!

I am so grateful for my Savior and for all he did for me!!!! I know he lives and wants whats best for us each and every day!!!!
4. Elder Alvarado of the 70 invited me and my comp to a fireside with all the youth of PR and we were able to hear him help the youth understand why its so important to SHARE THIS MESSAGE!!!! I also got to see all the jovens from aibonito!!! MY HEART!!!!!! 

5. I lost my hydro, or may I say a kid took it in McDonalds.... BUT he probably needed it more than I did and I will just be drinking hot water for the next 5 months:) #whatwouldchristdo

go make someone smile today!!!!!! LOVE you all!!!!

Hermana Gray

Monday, August 12, 2019

Semana 54!!!!

Well this week was amazing and FULL of miracles and crazy days!
On Monday we went to go see Magdalena, the lady who just got baptized a few weeks ago and she was JAMMING out to christian music and dancing around her house, it was so cute hahah!

On Tuesday we were walking and saw this guy get out of his truck, so of course we went over and talked to him, and he invited us up to his apartment to talk with him and his wife (Iraida!!) we went and taught them the restoration and the wife was so interested, we then went back and taught lesson 2 and 3 and after lesson 3 we invited her to be baptized and she didn't even hesitate when she said "CLAROOO QUE SI!!!" she understands everything we share with her and is so amazing!!

We also had a pretty bad experience when we were contacting, this couple invited us onto their back porch and turns out their preachers from their church were in the back, we shared a scripture from the bible and started to get chewed out by the preachers, we shared our testimony and walked out because we knew it would be better to leave than to stay and bicker! We cried for a second and then got back to work and got some frappes after! (the puertorican version of a... milkshake?? idk... something like that) 

Then at church we had a couple part member families come to church that we have been working with which was a huge miracle!!! 

Welp thats it I think!!! Love you all and talk to you later!!!:)

Hermana Gray and Hermana Boston

4 Ponce Hermana's

With Hermana Cantu

Puerto Rico Milkshakes

Monday, August 5, 2019

Semama 53!!!

Time goes by so so fast. ANOTHER week and boy this one was insane

On tuesday we went on exchanges with Hermana Pineda from El Salvador!! We had alot of fun and it was cool to see different work techniques! 

On wednesday we had Zone conference, we talked alot about finding JOY in the work!! because this is our UNIQUE message to the world and it is full of JOY! so why would we not be full of JOY while sharing it?!?!? We were able to give a training and to help the other missionaries use study time in the mornings wisely!! 

Then we had exchanges with the Hermanas from Guayanilla and I got to stay in my area with Hermana Boitel from the Dominican Republic! We did a lot of contacting and were able to teach a lot of lessons, I have realized that there is FUn in every phase of the work! Contacting, teaching, baptizing etc!!!  it is what you make it right?!

On Friday our car wouldn't turn on so we spent most of the day at the car shop but we got it all fixed and its up and running!!(:

On Sunday we were contacting, we've been having a hard time finding solid people to teach and we went and talked to this lady who was sitting on her porch! we got to know her and asked if we could come back another day and share a message... she said "why dont you just share it now?! I never come out here to sit on my back porch, so theirs obviously a reason we met!" So of COURSE we shared our unique message, and when we shared about the first vision tears were in her eyes and at the end she told us that she knows she was supposed to meet us because shes been away from God and he is trying to tell her something, it was a powerful lesson and a HUGE miracle! We will be going back on tuesday:)

And today we had a zone activity and had breakfast (french toast) and then went BOWLING and it was so much fun! turns out Im still pretty good at bowling!  one of the Senior couples here in PR (the Pearsons) are leaving at the end of this month so we had a sad goodbye after the activity, so that was sad.  

But thats about it!!! thanks so much for everything and I love you all!!!!