Monday, February 25, 2019

Semana 30!!! Aibonito

Hi All,
Seems like all I do is write these letters!! time goes by too fast!! Well this week was a great one, we have been teaching that guy Hiram a lot and he loves learning more about the restored church in the world today!!!! We also have been teaching this old guy named Martin that I found when I was on exchanges with a different Hermana, and we went back the next day and shared the restoration and he loved it and said that he felt something different, something he had never felt before.  We invited him to read the book of mormon and he accepted and we came back the next day and he was like "When i went to read that book I felt bad, and had a lot on my mind, and when i read it all i felt was peace and wonderful feelings" So that was super cool to see how much martin can feel the spirit!!! We go over and read with him and he absolutely loves it!! one time we asked him to read chapter 10 and he read 10-14! he couldn't put it down!!! it's so cool to see the restored gospel touch the lives of others!!! We also were the speakers in church this Sunday, Hermana Nelson and I and we both had 15 minutes, and we had 0 time to write the talk, so Saturday when we got home at 9 we tried our best to write as much as we could before we had to go to bed, but we didn't finish, so we had to wake up super early and finish them!! But I now know that I can write a 15 minute talk in spanish in about an hour! We gave the talks in sacrament meeting and everyone loved them!!! I cried during mine and made some people in the congregation cry ahahah it was a cool experience  But anyway I am doing awesome and time goes by way too fast!!! I love you all!! have a great week!!!
Hermana Gray

Love my Companion

Hermana Nelson and Hermana Gray with their investigator Martin

Monday, February 18, 2019

Semana 29!!! Aibonito

Last week Courtney got to call me per new mission communication rules and as luck would have it I was in Italy  with Cristiana and they got to talk via FaceTime, I didn't even think to take a screenshot :( but it was so great to hear her voice and she is doing Wonderful in her area and has a great companion.

Good morning,

Well!! This week has been wild! But awesome. Last Monday night we had our first lesson with this man Hiram, and at first he was like, "How long is this going to take?" And we said, "Fifteen minutes max." And we began to teach and a light just came into his eyes, and he was asking a ton of questions about prophets and the apostles. I  was explaining about how Joseph Smith had a marvelous experience and he interrupted and said, "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Then when Hermana Nelson was talking about the Book of Mormon, he asked where we could buy one, and we were like, "IT'S FREE, IT'S A GIFT!" He's so awesome. He lives in the next town over, Barranquitas, so it's hard to have daily contact, but we still call or he calls. We had a second lesson on Thursday, and that was basically just answering his questions about the church and baptism and everything. He keeps saying that we bring happiness and joy into his life when we visit and teach him the word of God, he's really very sweet. He also said he would be baptized when he knew it was true, and he was so pumped to go to Church, he just couldn't this week because a rat chewed through the wires in his car, which is unfortunate. We are going over tonight to teach the Plan of Salvation, so I'm really excited about that. I really love Hermano Hiram. Theres so much more to say but not enough time!! well I love you all!! have a wonderful week! oh and ps. i got FRIED one day while walking to one of our appointments across town, pictures will be included!!

Love you all! Have a wonderful week!


Hermana Gray


Hermana Nelson and Hermana Gray make a great team - study time!!

Cutest little frog

Monday, February 11, 2019

Semana 28!!! Aibonito

Good morning,

I don't have much time so this will be short but we are working super hard out here in Aibonito and we have seen so many cool miracles!  One day we talked to literally everyone on our way to our appt so we got there late and then got out of the appt late cause we were late in the first place cause we talked to everyone! and we were an hour away from our house and still had studies and it was dark and late, but I felt that the Lord was proud that we had talked to everyone and that somehow we would get a ride home to finish all our studies and stuff! and about 10 minutes up the road a lady pulled over and gave us a ride! No one we knew, she isnt a member or someone we are teaching but she has seen us walking around and didnt want us walking in the dark!! So we got a ride and saved alot of time!! it was super cool!! We also had zone activity and played sports with everyone in our zone today which was super fun!!! 

We also made valentines for everyone in our ward! and I went on exchanges with Hermana Jensen our STL and we found some super cool people to teach!!
sorry I don't have  much time but i love you all!

Love you all,
Hermana Gray

Zone activity


Monday, February 4, 2019

Semana 27!!! Aibonito


It's been a wild ride this week. There was a marathon in Coamo (the next town over) yesterday morning, so naturally on our way to a 4:00 appointment, we hit really bad traffic because everyone was camped on the side of the road drinking and partying and stuff. We made it through the traffic for Francisco, though. Then in the whole lesson he was like, "Diaaaaatche, el tapón es demasiado." Si, Francisco. But we endured to the end for HIM!  (Oh, PS. Tapón is Boricua for traffic. So that's rad.)

Francisco is the coolest, though. We found him last week, and turns out the elders from Cayey taught him last summer when they were covering Aibonito, and he was like, "Yeah, you can come over and share some messages, why don't you visit my neighbors too."On Sunday, he told us that he had read the whole beginning of the Book of Mormon and stopped at 1 Nefi 1, which was the assigned chapter, so we read it with him, and he really liked it! We kept testifying that like Lehi, we can receive revelation and answers to our questions through prayer and scripture study. The visit before, we had invited him to be baptized when he comes to know that the Book of Mormon is true. and he said yes!! I'm really excited for him. 

Wednesday we walked to Norma's house and then she said, "Vamanos!" So we got in her car and drove to her sister Olga's house in Caonillas, where we went with them and visited all their friends and family to sing for them and pray with them, so that was wild. Just gotta kinda go with it, I guess. We got into a lot of Catholic houses we never could've visited without them, so that was a blessing!!! its been a crazy week and we are seeing lots of miracles!!

Love y'all! Have a good week!
Hermana Gray

Hermana Gray and a chicken

Hermana Nelson and Hermana Gray and some Amarillos (they're SO GOOD)!!

With Juanita, she's literally 96!! lol